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Real Reef Show


  Oc23 48

While she is guiding tourists on adventure travel holidays between 1988 and 1992 laurence develops her great interest in nature and wildlife. She shares her experiences through slide-shows with friends and later for different organisations, such as the Globe trotter festival, the Museum of Natural history in Paris, the festival of Animal Photography, ect...

Laurence`s first experience as a guide, is a 3 week trip to the Nile valley finishing in Hurghada where she is amazed by the beauty of the Red Sea and promises herself she will go back.

After several trips as a tour leader to Greece, Peru-Bolivia and Kenya, Laurence goes back to Egypt in 1992 to Sharm-El-Sheikh, and gets the Open Water Diver Certificate.

A new life starts then, her free time dedicated to the Red Sea !

Months and some trips later, obtaining the Advanced Open Water Diver qualification offers her a great autonomy, enabling her to start underwater photography. Some of her photographs appear in the first book she co-writes "La FAUNE de la MER ROUGE", published in 1998 and prefaced by famous professor of zoology Theodore Monod. Laurence will never forget her life-changing encounter with this exceptional human.

In Paris, where she also works as a trainer-consultant for telecommunication companies, she continues the conferences and audio-visual presentations about the Red Sea.

Laurence gets the Dive Master qualification in 1999. She buys a semi-professional video-camera from an influencial colleague and friend who is an ethno-musicologist film maker and author.

The underwater video filming adventure begins!

In Sharm-El-Sheikh Laurence is working as a dive master and underwater videographer which allows her to do what she enjoys the most, to show the magnificence of the coral world and make people aware of the importance to respect it.

Between 2000 and 2003 a second book is in preparation with the french publisher "TRANSBOREAL", journeys and long-term stay in Egypt are multiplied in order to get lots of photographs and film. Following various walks of several days each in the Sinai desert, in March 2000 Laurence spends a week in a bedouin camp, Abu Gallum, where she is able to appreciate the Sinai desert life-style and develops a close relationship with the families who are living there.

Meeting and shadowing some key players in Sinai and Red Sea conservation, like directors of the Ras Mohammed National Park protected areas, is a very enriching experience.

The album "SINAI, Visions de plongeurs en mer Rouge" is published in May 2003.

Laurence knows there are plenty of fish in the sea but did not expect to meet her husband among them ! She did indeed! Meeting the tiger shark twice must have helped bring the couple closer together! What they did not know at the time was that their first baby (in Laurence`s womb) was enjoying the dive too!

  In 2007 Laurence presents her short film "Le bal des perroquets" at theWorld Festival of image Sub-Marine in Antibes. Gabriel, 18 month old then, is impressed to see mummy`s film on the big screen!

Since 2008, Laurence lives in West Yorkshire where her second Little boy, Leo, was born. Now that her children are going to school, she can spend more time to create new projects with her images.


Laurence`s biography from French publisher "Transboreal":

Laurence Little